About memy stats
Information About me
Hello! It is a pleasure to introduce myself as Naveen Mishra. I am a data analyst
and freelancer. I am passionate about contributing to the exciting technological
advancements that occur every day as a coder and content creator. The main focus
of my work these days is designing products that are accessible and inclusive.
As a technical, creative, and analytical professional, I have a unique combination
of skills. An understanding of data analysis combined with the ability to create
visually appealing designs, or write engaging blog posts.
In short, I am highly motivated and versatile professional, with a passion for using
your skills to help others. With your unique combination of technical, creative, and
analytical skills, you are well-equipped to tackle any challenge and deliver results
for your clients.
Years of
My Skills
Contact MeMy Contacts
Contact me here
: Gurgaon, India
: officialnaveenmishra@gmail.com
: IGNOU University, New Delhi
: 08700934974
: Hindi, English